God's love enabled us to open our eyes and see the narrow gate as well as the narrow path leading to the everlasting life. We are privileged to come to a gate where many will make their attempt to go in, but will not be able to do so.(Lu 13:24) for the Lord says, Do your best to go in by the narrow door.
There will be a struggle to enter the narrow gate.
The entrance is just our entry to the Kingdom of God.
But we, the entered few have a narrow path to move on.
We who entered the Kingdom of God are in the wilderness and our destination is Canaan, the Kingdom of Heaven.
(The following is a revelation God gave through a vision of the narrow path)
We who started walking through the stony narrow path , let's walk!
The path to eternity is a strait, narrow and stony one. In the vision, I saw some were standing at the side of the path, idle,simply gazing here and there. They have actually after a short journey in the narrow path, have stopped walking ,forgetting their aim and destination and simply staying idle by the road side .
The path is narrow from the beginning till the end.
A large group of believers (more than 75%) are walking in a bit careless manner, forgetting the narrowness of the path, they simply walk along in a bit broader manner and finally realize they are walking to eternal destruction, and among them only a few (15%) return the distance they travelled and choose the right path back again.
Those walking through the narrow path will realize it is narrower towards the end and will walk with more care as there are chances to fall . But the grace that enabled them to enter the narrow door will follow them and help them reach their destination.
We who entered the narrow gate have a long way to go.
Let's not leave our first love..
It was our first love that enabled us to strive hard and enter the narrow door .
It was our first love that enabled us to walk along the stony narrow path.
If we lose it we too may unknowingly take a broader path, loving the worldly ways.
Re 2:4 Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.
Re 2:29He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.
Let us not forget the great destination we have to reach. Let's walk and walk with care!